How to use an analog source for Music On Hold

I had users asking me how to setup analog devices for music on hold. Well, this is going to be probably the shortest post so far. What you have to do is to connect the lineout of a music source (like a cdplayer for example) to an analog port in avaya (where you would normally connect an analog line/phone). The issue the command change music-source and define your port there. Just like bellow. You see how the music source is 02B0724. That tells me that my device is connected into port 24 of analog card pluged in 02b07 (it's going to be a wire going from my lineout to the bix on port 24 for card 02b07)

Also in a multi-tenant system you could use moh-groups where each tenant would have it's own music source.


  1. really god bless you

  2. Is MOH that easy? Can’t make it work on my first Aura. Verified music is playing on port, assigned port as “music source” and I get no music on hold/transfer. Must have missed something.

  3. I would like to connect the TV sound to our avaya phone system (we have 3 G450’s). How do I program it so I can hit a speed dial button on my 9630 phone and the hear a station.

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