How to use a wav file as Music on Hold

Create the announcement extension.

1)         In CM, build an announcement. Announcement Name: cannot contain any spaces or special characters. In this example I used:

Annc Name: Music1 

Annc Type: integ-mus

Pick a VAL board where music will be stored. Rate will be left at 64.

If you do not want this file to be overwritten, select “Y” for Protected.

Capture of Music File from CD

1)         Insert CD into drive on PC, open music with Windows Media Player.
2)         Check the box next to the music file you want to RIP.
3)         Now select RIP – Format – WAV (Lossless)
4)         Now Select RIP – RipUnknown Album…..” NOTE – your specific filename will be in this field.

5)         After the file is RIP’d Media Player will probably give you this message;

Just click “OK” – it is nothing to worry about.
6)         Windows Media Player will save the RIP’d file to the default directory (c:\Documents and Settings\jbstep\My Documents\My Music) where “jbstep2” is the actual user name of whoever owns the PC. 
7)         Wherever you place the file, make sure to rename it exactly the same as the announcement name in the PBX. This example is “Music1”.


Converting the WAV file to VAL format specifications

1)         Using any sound recording software available, you’ll need to down convert the WAV file into the proper format.  I used a free program from NCH Software ( called - Switch Sound File Converter.  Whatever program you use, ensure that it does not imprint the converted sound files with a brand name or audio-logo.My procedure will outline how to make the conversion using the NCH software. If you use something else, the procedure will be similar in concept, but you’ll have to figure it out.
2)         Open your source file (the music you want to convert) by clicking FILE – OPEN– then Music1
3)         Click EDIT – CONVERT SAMPLE RATE8000
5)         Click FILE – SAVE AS – (place the file where you can find it) – then SAVE - Wave Encoder Options – Format = CCITT µ-LAW Attributes = 8,000khz, 8bit, MONO (should be preset already)
6)         Click OK

The music file should now be down converted into the proper format.  Remember exactly where this file is now.  It would be a good idea to play it all the way through once (to be sure nothing unusual or offensive has been recorded).

VAL Manager Setup and Insertion of File

 1)         Open VAL Manager - Click System – Register Voice System
2)         Populate the Voice System Name and IP address of your CM. Leave port at 5022 (if you are connecting via SSH, which you should be).
3)         Input the Login Name: and Password: to access the CM. You may want to setup  a login just for VAL Manager in CM, just to keep track of all login activity.
4)         Click OK to commit changes.

Backup and Capture VAL Board Information from CM

Back up: 

First thing to do is execute a full system backup of all VAL and vVAL board files to your local PC (or wherever drive you choose)

1)         Right Click on Voice Systems (located in left hand pane).
2)         Select Back Up All

VAL Manager will begin a full backup of all announcements stored on VAL and vVAL boards.  These files are saved at:  C:\Documents and Settings\OWNER\Application Data\Avaya\Voice Announcement Manager\user\VOICE SYSTEM.     NOTE - the red highlighted folders will be unique to the PC owner and the VOICE SYSTEM will be the name of your system in VAL manager.

Capture of VAL Information:

1)         Right Click on your systems name (example here is VA_ORM)
2)         Select Get VAL Board Information
3)         A Get VAL Board Information status window will display.

After complete you’ll see an acknowledgement window which will affirm a successful download.


Transfer of WAV file into VAL board

 1)         Click to open your system (example VA_ORM)
2)         Open Audio Sources
3)         Open Default Folder
4)         Right Click the VAL or vVAL board you want the WAV file to reside on.
5)         Select Copy / Delete Audio Files

6)         Retrieving Announcement Properties progress window will appear. Right now the VAL Manager is collecting all the specific announcement / music files already resident on your chosen VAL or vVAL board.

7)         Once the Copy/Delete Announcement Files window appears use the “Change Folder” button to navigate to the converted WAV file.
8)         Your source file will be in the left hand pane (Files on Local PC).
9)         Select your source file, then click on the single > button. This will automatically begin the transfer of your WAV file into the VAL or vVAL board.  Remember – the source file name has to be exactly the same as the announcement name you created in the CM.  Once the file transfer begins, VAL Manager will install the WAV file on top of the already existing announcement.  If the two names are not the same, you’ll have an unassociated file to deal with in the CM.  That is not a show stopper, a little poking around will get the file properly associated, but it is easier to just make everything line up from the beginning.

10)       “Copying Audio Files to....” will appear. This shows you the status of your transfer.

11)       Then the VAL Manager will begin Copying the file to the VAL or vVAL board (this is a good indication that everything is working properly)

12)       Once completed, the Copy files Task window will be displayed.  Any ERRORS means a failure. Refer to my Troubleshooting section at the end of this procedure.


Checking your File

To make sure your file has indeed been transferred, double click the VAL board. This will download all the file information for that board.  Look for the Music1.wav file. Scroll to the right, look in the Length column.  There will be a value here displayed in seconds.  This example shows 374 seconds (a little over 6 minutes). You file has arrived.

Configuring CM for Music On Hold via VAL


1)         Execute change moh-analog-group 1
2)         Populate field 1: with VAL board address.
3)         Enter (f3)


Place a call to another phone on the same system, place on hold, and listen for music.



The only issues I encountered were all caused by the same thing, not having the WAV file in the proper format.  The answer came from the VAL Manager HELP file. That document told me everything I needed.  The WAV file text states the following;

Under Using Voice Announcement Manager

                                    Creating and Converting Audio Files

                                                VAL Audio Format Requirements

  • “CCITT A-Law or CCITT µ-Law companding format (do not use PCM)
  • 8KHz sample rate
  • 8-bit resolution (bits per sample)
  • Mono (channels = 1)


Mu-Law companding is used in the United States, while A-Law is used internationally. Ensure that you use the same companding format as the administered format on page 1 of the system-parameters country-options form.

If any of these parameters are not correct, the WAV file will not transfer. You will see it trying to transfer, but the attempt will result in ERRORS.

After I fully converted the WAV file correctly, everything worked as designed.

Lastly – MOH sourced from a VAL board works great.  The file will loop over and over automatically. The music begins from the beginning as soon as the caller is placed on hold. TN 2501AP VAL boards can store up to 60 minutes of audio. A vVAL board can store up to 15 minutes of audio.  It always works and the volume level is perfect (I do not know of any way to change the audio level once the file is installed on the VAL or vVAL board. If a lower volume is required, adjustments can be made in the Sound Recorded software, then re-save and transfer new file into system).


  1. thanks for you great efforts
    but can you mention the way to use music on hold from external device like Sony DVD player?

  2. Many thanks, veryusful info

  3. This seems like it may or may not have been posted just in time for me. Our CD player that was playing the music on hold died (spinning 24×7 will kill that motor).

    We currently have an S8500 CM2 with intuity LX but will be upgrading to S8510 CM5 which ditches the intuity LX. Does it make sense to do this work now or just wait until the upgrade? I don’t want to have to do the same work twice.

    Where exactly can I download VAL Mananger? I connect to my S8500 CM via ASA 5.2 and was able to connect to the intuity using the ASA but I don’t think I can do everything the guide outlines using the ASA. Are these directions applicable to me?


  4. Hey Phlight. You can download VAL Manager from avaya support site… Here a link where i found it

    You will need a username/password and a valid license agreement with Avaya to download it though (i assume you have it as i can see you already use ASA).

    If the link abouve does not work, the right category to look under downloads on avaya support is Integrated Management (all offers). If you still have problems, let me know.

  5. The VAL manager comes in the pack of CD’s that Avaya hands over after they install your system, that’s where I have always found mine.

    I feel that MoH done this way is worth the effort – it is more reliable thatn an external music source and you can use grouping to place MoH (or announcments) on different parts of your system which saves bandwidth.

  6. -Please can you explain the steps of upgrading the 16xx ip phone series through http server?
    and the steps of giving the this ip a dynamic ip address through dhcp

  7. I have a question relating to the last step. In you example you have added the announcement onto vVal 001V9, yet in the last step, adding to the MOH-analog-group it shows what I presume is an analog port 001V601.

    I have tried and get the errors: 001V9 – entry invalid or 001V901 – object type and port type inconsistent.

    Is it possible to add an integrated announcement extension to a MOH-announcement-group?

  8. Guillermo Robaudo

    Hi, it work great!!. but maybe you can helpme with howto put music on transfer like when someone call to attendant and then dial the extension and then the guy listen the tone b ut i want that he listen some music. in the ipoffice that are the same music but in cm 5.2 this not work to me. Thank Sebastian
    Greettings from Uruguay again

  9. Hello

    Could you help me, i want know , What is the command to change the music-on-hold playback group allocation in CM?

  10. Hi All,

    Please help me. I am not able to complete last step or adding add Moh-analog-group 1… Source location is not correct… I am using 001V9 for announcement.

  11. I have a issue with the volume. It sounds excellent inside the office but from a incoming call it is very low and broken up. Please help. Thanks!

  12. Deal All,

    I have a question, I want from my phones to play something whenever I press some pre-defined codes?

    Or can I have something that would be playing all times as per the given “from” and “to” mentioned in the media gateway of Avaya.

    We are having Avaya 1608-I IP phones.

    thanks in advance.

  13. When to use .WAV files when to use MP3 files? ? What is the difference between the two formats?

    • Good morning Torentol –

      There is a specific encoding to process the WAV files before you load them into the VAL or VVAL- CM will not accept the file if it is not formatted correctly;

      • Rerecord the announcements on a computer or at a professional recording
      studio as .wav files (CCITT μ-Law [pronounced “mu-Law”] or A-Law, 8-KHz,
      8-bit mono), so that the files are ready to transfer to the new announcement
      source after the announcement source is installed and administered.

      The instructions are locaed in this document on page 171;

      I would recmmend you Google the difference between MP3 and WAV because I do not know.

      Good luck,


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