This is the final chapter in the basic admin module. We will discuss about Class of Service. It's used in the station management and it specifies what are the permissions (as in features) that the user is entitled to. Please don't be confused between this and the user admin in the CM. We are speaking here about the station alone. All the changes that you will do in the COS will be reflected in what the user can do. Also, try to remember that the COR is the one that decides if a user is allowed to dial a number or not, not COS.
Now, before we dig into this, remember when i was saying that you can have multiple "tenants" on your system ? You can buy an avaya system and provide telephony services to multiple companies (images you own a business building with multiple tenants in it). Well, you can configure the system with different settings for each. Now, if you have this feature turned on (read license) you will use cos-groups. Each cos-group will be assigned to a tenant and will have 15 different COS. The way the system determines what COS a station will use will be by looking under the station's TN setting and COS setting. TN will tell the system what tenant it is (let's say 3) so it will be COS-GROUP 3. The COS will tell the system what COS withing that COS-GROUP it's used (1 to 15). Each COS it's a column in a COS-GROUP. Look at the picture bellow. You can see how we use Tenant1, COS 1. So if we wish to look into what we are allowed to do we have to have to look into COS-GROUP 1 (TN=1), column 1 (COS=1).
Now, if you don't have the tenant feature on, you don't have to worry about this whole tenant stuff. You will have 16 Classes of service and you can access them by change cos x (x is between 0 and 16).
How do you determine if you have a tenant system or not ? Go under System Parameters, Customer Options and loot at the setting of Tenant Partitioning (screen 5). If it's set to y then you use cos-groups. If it's set to n then you use COS.
Here is the command:
display system-parameters customer-options
Assuming that you have COS-group you have 2 command you can use.
- Display COS-Group x
- Change COS-Group x
No add or remove. Just like COR, this is a system setting so you can't add a cos or remove one. You have up to 100 groups if you use tenants and 16 COS in each. If you don't use tenants then you have 16 classes of service.
Both Display and Change displays the same screen so we will cover only the change command.
The change cos-group [x] (i use 1 for this example) displays two screens. Each column represents a Class of service. If i program COS 6 and TN 1 under a station then i will look under the cos-group 1, column 6. Each row will give me the settings for that particular COS. Hope i made myself clear. Now, let's look into some of the options that we have change and what they do.
Under the first page of a cos-group you can see this (please note that then y and n can be different on your system).
- Automatic callback. Give the user the option to use automatic callback. . The way this works if that you are calling a station that's not answering (assuming it's busy), as soon as that station will become available, the system will call you back. You pick up the phone and then the system calls the other party again.
- Automatic exclusion. If you read the article about button programming Add station - Part 3, then you know what exclusion does. The difference is that if you have this option turned on the COS and the station that has the exclusion button is set to this COS, then the exclusion activates automatically as soon as the user picks up the phone. If you don't see this option, check your system-parameters, feature-related and look at the Automatic Exclusion by COS. If it's set to y then you see this option otherwise you won't see it.
ONEX MOBILE TIP: If you have this option enabled then that station won't be able to use the extend feature unless you press the exclusion button. The symptoms are that you are trying to press the exclude button and you just hear 3 beeps. All the EC500 setup is done correctly. (we will discuss more about EC500 in the advanced part of the training). - Call fowarding all calls and Call Forwading Busy/DA : If you turn this to y then you give the user to option to forward all calls to any extensions.
How Call forwarding works tip: Assuming that you are extension 1001 and you have forwarded your extension to 1002. 1002 is forwarded to extension 1003. If someone calls you, but 1002 does not answer, THE SYSTEM WILL NOT FORWARD THE CALL TO 1003. It will instead follow the coverage path defined in the 1001 if the coverage path conditions are meet by 1002 (assume you have go to voicemail after 3 rings, then the system will send the call to voicemail after 1002 did not answered after 3 rings). THE SYSTEM FORWARDS THE CALL JUST ONCE!. To use call-forward, add a button to the station or use the associated feature-access-code. - Client Room. There is a "module" called hospitality module. You can assign buttons like Check-In, Check-Out, Room Change/Swap, Maid Status. By turning this option to y then you have use these functions. Only used in hotels, not in business or call-centers environments.
- Console Permissions. Be careful with this one. This is a very powerful setting on the system. The stations assigned to a COS that has console permissions turned on are allowed to :
- Activate and deactivate callforwarding for other extensions
- Activate and/or deactivate Do Not Disturb for other extensions
- Activate and remove agent skills
- Record/Remove recording for announcements (to be discussed later in a separate module).
- Extended Forwarding All and Extended Forwarding B/DA allows the user to forward his calls from a remote location. If you are not able to turn this to y check in page 4 in system parameters customer-option (display system-parameters customer-options is the command) the setting Extended Cvg/Fwd Admin. It has to be set to y to be able to enable this setting.
- Call Forwarding Off-Net. This setting allows the user to forward his extension off-network or to the public network.
- Trk-to-Trk Restriction Override: Users with this setting turned to y override anything that would prevent the Trunk-to-Trunk transfers like Cor-to-Cor permission restrictions or Trunk-to-Trunk transfer restriction setting in system-features. Basically, if you turn this on, then the users with the setting can transfer calls to other numbers (both public or internal) regardless of the restriction that you have in place.
Page 2 gives some more options but there are not that often use.
- Adhoc Video Conferencing. Allows up to 6 people to participate in a video conference call
- Call Forwarding Enhanced. Allows users to designate difeerent prefferences for forwarding itnernal or external calls
As an Avaya administrator for the week, this post was super helpful in allowing a user to use a feature code to forward to an external number. Thank you!
Very helpful. i really need more sessions on avaya.
Hi what does “Masking CPN/Name Override” Does…??