15. Class of Restriction – COR – Advanced.

As you can recall, I've said that you cannot add or remove a COR. The Avaya system has 995 CORs that can be changed. As a result you don't have a command like add cor-group [x] or remove cor-group [x].

The command to work with a cor is .... (i knew you will know this one) change cor-group x

You can see in this picture that we're working with COR 4 (unassigned if you look at the list above).

A COR definition will start with the COR Description.  Put in here something obvious (like UK Calls Only or something like that). Next the FRL will tell the COR what's the "weight" of this COR. We will go into detail on how this works on the routing class. However, this is a sneak peak. Every number that you can access is defined in the system in a table called a ars table. In that table the system know if you want to make a call to a number beginning with 416-xxx-xxxx and has a 10 digit length then the right route to pick is route number 20 (let's say). Route 20 will have a weight of 3. If your station is associated with a COR that has a minimum FRL of 3 then it means your station can access that route. Told you, just like in a playground. The more tickets you have, the more rides you can ride. This ends the sneak peak, will go over it in detail over in the routing section.

Now, you might say what am i supposed to put in the description if i don't know how to do routing ? Well, i assume that you are not going to access any routing with this COR but you will try to "tweak" a existing COR by copying the COR's FRL to the new one and playing with the settings we'll discuss bellow.

So here we go with the settings (will go over the most important ones).

  • Can be service observed. In a call-center environment, a member of the quality assurance department (or a trainer) might want to listen to a particular conversation on a station. That station (that needs to be listened to) need to have a COR associated that has this setting enabled.
  • Can be a Service Observer. In the scenario above, the trainer will have to be in a COR that has this setting enabled. So a user that has both settings enabled can listen to a call and can be listened as well.
  • Hear music on hold. If you turn this to n, then a user associated with this COR will not have music on hold. When would you use it ? Assume you have a user that participates in a lot of conferences but as a participant not necessarily as a presented. From time to time, he will put the phone in hold and make a call. Well, if he has music on hold then everybody in that conference will hear his music on hold. Not the best thing, is it ? So, just take your COR that the user has, and add a second COR with the same FRL but the music-on-hold is different. TIP: Try to keep your COR's in sync with the FRL to be easy to understand in the future. What i usually do, i match the FRL to the last number in the COR for for a FRL of 3 (for ex) i would use COR's like 1, 13, 23, 33, 43 ,103, etc... You see how i can easily see just by looking at the station what the station is allowed to dial (FRL 103 will be allowed to go over the same destinations as COR 3 because both have a weight - FRL of 3)
  • Calling Party Restrictions. If you wish to restrict the ability to make outbound calls, set this to origination or outward.
    Outward will give the user the ability to make outside calls to other extensions.
    Origination will disable all calling for this user (can't make any calls).
    None . Set it to none and the user can make all the call he wants as long as he has the right FRL.
  • Called Party Restriction. This is setup is you wish to restrict the ability to receive calls.
    Inward: The user will be able to receive only internal calls. Note that calls from the attendant won't be forwarded.
    Manual: The user will be able to receive calls from the attendant or calls forwarded by the attendant.
  • Can be picked up by Directed Call pickup. Sometimes you might wish to answer your phone from another desk (assuming that you can hear it ringing and you have another phone nearby) by dialing the appropriated feature-access-code. But first, your phone has to be associated with a COR that has this little setting on.
  • Can use Directed Call Pickup. Looking at the above feature, the phone that you're trying to use to pickup the call on your station need to be in a COR that has this setting on.

A lot of setting on page1 (fortunately it covers most of the important setting of a COR). There is only 1 setting on page 2.

  • Station Lock COR: When a station will be locked (the user could have a button defined for this - see Add Station - Part 3 (sta-lock feature), the station can change it's COR. If i put a 1 in here, then when the user locks his station the COR of the station will be 1, thus preventing for example international calls.

Starting with Page 3 there are a lot of Y in place and not that many people understand how to set these properly of the power of the COR-to-COR restriction. Page 3 gives you the ability to restrict COR-to-COR access. How? Simple, turn the appropriate COR to n and you're done. The COR you are changing will not be allowed to initiate calls with the other COR.

Here is an example. Let's assume that COR 4 is the COR that you will assign to lobby phones and COR 20 is the COR that is assigned to your senior executive team (CEO, CTO, CFO and all the others C...s, sorry forgot the VP's). Now, you don't want people in the lobby calling your CEO and start yelling that they want a salary increase. What do you do then ? Well, you change the COR 4 (the lobby phones) and go in page 4 under the entry 20 (the COR for the senior execs) and set that to n. Then a lobby phone won't be able to make calls to stations in COR 20. Simple but powerful, isn't it ?

Now, similar to this but for Service Observing starts from page 14. If you don't want your lobby phones to be able to service observer your VP's put the entry number 20 to n. Of course there are better ways to implement that, I have to admin i could not find a real life example where i can use this. Somebody that uses this maybe will share that with us...

Before we wrap this up, remember that COR's are not only for stations. They are used in trunks, announcements, attendants, hunt groups and vectors as well (and much more but i can't remember where 🙂 ). However, in a daily administration you will have to touch the cor from a station perspective. When we will start speaking about the ASA, i will show how you can find all the stations that use a specific COR.

This concludes the COR discussion. Long but useful. Questions ? Use the form bellow.


  1. In the case of trunk?, is there a way to block the call using calling permission between station and trunk?

    not using FRL permisions… just the parameters of COR

  2. Hello, tell me how to put a pin code access to a specific number of cor?

  3. How would calling party restriction set to outward in a hunt group restrict call transfer.

  4. Christopher Krafcky

    Hello –

    I’m interested in implementing a COR that will not play the on hold music while a conference call is in session. We recently had a large conference call that when an attendee placed their phone on hold, the music was loud and distracting for the other attendees. How would I go about proceeding?


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