8. Add station – part 2 – button programming.

Page 3 allows you to force an extension to forward under conditional rules. I never had to go in and set anything here.

Before we dig into page 4 (button programming) let's discuss this a little bit. We'll try answering the question on how to program your avaya phone. As you can see on the phone, on a 9640 you have 6 lines on your main display. However you can program up to 24 buttons and scroll through 6 positions at a time (just like you would do on your cell when it comes to your contacts). Normally, what you see on this display are options that make your phone ring. You can see all your lines (remember you can have multiple lines even though you have one extension) and also you can see lines from your team or other people. These lines are called bridge lines and we'll go over them in a second.

Now, if you go into your options menu (press the right arrow key next to the Ok button) you will find more options but none of those options make your phone ring or gives you dialtone.

As you can see we've split the button configurations in two. One group of options gives us dial tone and/or make your phone ring and they will be displayed on your main screen of the phone. The rest will be displayed on your secondary menu when you press the right arrow key on your phone.

It is important to remember this because on the programming page of your add station you don't specify what button goes where. Depending on the option the phone sorts the buttons into those 2 lists that we spoke about earlier and sort them accordingly.

So, how do we program the buttons on the phone ? It's easy... don't get confused by the fact that you have 2 pages (page 4 and 5) in the system. It was designed that way because they could not put all the buttons in one page. So, you have a total of 24 buttons that you can program split into 2 pages of programming. On page 4 you can program button 1 to 8 and on page 5 you can programm buttons 9 to 24. DO NOT THINK THAT BUTTON 3 ON THE SYSTEM IS BUTTON 3 ON THE PHONE DISPLAY.

So, how does the system generate the 2 lists ? It's easy. The system will scan the 24 buttons that you have programmed and look for call appearance type button and bridge appearance type button. Once it finds the options it will generate list1 and assign positions in that list in the order that it found them. All the other options will go into the second page again reordered.
So let's assume we have the following programming on the system. (don't worry about the acronyms will go through them in a second).

  1. Directory
  2. Next
  3. Make-Call
  4. Call-Appr
  5. Call-Appr
  6. Ec500
  7. Brdg-Appr
  8. Call-Park
  9. Wisper
  10. Call-Appr

Remember what we said ? Well, the system goes and scans the list for the call-appr and brdg-appr and gives them a new order then take that and put them in the main screen  The rest goes to the option menu. Saying this the main menu now displayed these items in this order

    • Directory
    • Next
    • Make-Call
  1. Call-Appr
  2. Call-Appr
    • Ec500
  3. Brdg-Appr B:1 E: 1012
    • Call-Park
    • Wisper
  4. Call-Appr

See how the system scanned the list? If you were to look on your main screen you would see this (assuming your station is 1005)

  • 1005
  • 1005
  • 1012
  • 1005

The option menu would become

  1. Directory
  2. Next
  3. Make-Call
    • Call-Appr
    • Call-Appr
  4. Ec500
    • Brdg-Appr
  5. Call-Park
  6. Wisper
    • Call-Appr

You notice the new ordering as well. That means if you were to enter the options menu you would see these options in this order

  • Directory
  • Next
  • Make-Call
  • Ec500
  • Call-park
  • Wisper

Btw, you won't be seeing the numbers on the phone (1,2,3...), i've put them to reflect the new order on the 2 menus.

In the next section we'll discuss the different types of buttons that you can program in the system.


  1. Please, are you able to Pm me and inform me couple of much more thinks about this, I’m definitely fan of one’s weblog… will get solved properly asap.

  2. Hi, I have followed your article on Cover paths and button programming and have a question. I have programmed a button as dn-dst and in my cover path have the dnd internal & external options set to Y. The cover path works transferring the call to the correct points, however when i press the dn-dst button on the first station in the cover path nothing works?

  3. I got a 9611g phone, it has 8 buttons 4 at left side and 4 at right side, (I guess they are just 4 lines), anyway, I programed in the first 3 lines call-appr and directory in the 4th line, but just can see the first 3 lines, how can i see the 4 buttons, do I need to do something to refresh the display?

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